Gabor Maté: Scattered Minds (EBook, 2019, Random House Uk, Vermilion) 5 stars

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) has quickly become a controversial topic in recent years. Whereas other …

As a parent, I have found myself in this situation many times. I have felt the frustrated helplessness of being caught between the urgency to meet some inflexible deadline on the one hand and the recalcitrant immobility of a son or daughter on the other. The temptation is to scream, to take matters physically in hand without regard to the feelings and emotional reactions thus stirred up in the child. I have gone so far as to threaten to drag my child to school in her pajamas, or semidressed and barefoot, if necessary. One can get a child to school on time by such threats and desperation tactics—on time, but frightened, angry and humiliated. Again, at what cost?

Scattered Minds by  (Page 149)